Eph 774 3/29/88




A.  Definition of Sensitivity.

            1. Sensitivity is defined by the Greek noun PRAUTES (Eph 4:2), which is the manifestation of impersonal love for all, classified as thoughtfulness for others, being considerate of others, recognizing what hurts others and avoiding it.

            2. True sensitivity is the antithesis of hypersensitivity.

            3. Sensitivity is the function of impersonal love as a problem solving device in relationship to people.

            4. Sensitivity is the inevitable result of the attainment of spiritual self-esteem, the first stage of spiritual adulthood.


B.  Definition of Hypersensitivity.

            1. Hypersensitivity is arrogant preoccupation with self, which results in making an issue out of self on every occasion and in every circumstance.

            2. Whether you know good manners or not, if you are hypersensitive, you will always be ill-mannered and a bore.

            3. Therefore, hypersensitivity is described as:

                          Subjective arrogance related to self. This is explained in the concept of unrealistic expectations and role model arrogance. (See the Doctrine of Love, point 7.) Self-righteous arrogance toward others. In Christians, this manifests itself in the arrogance of legalism.

                          The function of certain sins of arrogance such as jealousy, bitterness, hatred, implacability, revenge motivation, revenge function, guilt, inordinate ambition, inordinate competition, maligning, gossiping, and judging others.

            4. Sensitivity is virtuous objectivity. It is related to impersonal love as a problem solving device. It is related to interaction with people in friendship, romance, and marriage. It is also related to interaction in any other area where you are in contact with people.


C.  Amplification of Hypersensitivity.

                          Because of vulnerability to the arrogance complex, the believer becomes hypersensitive related to self, as seen in the following manifestations.


                          Guilt reaction, one of the worst motivators in life.

                          The demand syndrome.

                          Unrealistic expectation, i.e., no one is treating you the way you think you should be treated; no one is loving you the way you think you should be loved.

                          Role model arrogance, in which we have two standards:  one for our role model, and one for ourselves. We don’t even keep our own low standards, but we expect the role model to be perfect.

              Under the demand syndrome, the arrogant hypersensitive believer is constantly seeking to get his own way. At the same time, he seeks to control everything in his periphery, including all people in his personal relationships.

              Because of the arrogance factor in hypersensitivity, the cosmic believer becomes excessively sensitive about his own feelings. When people are extremely sensitive about their own feelings, they are totally insensitive about the feelings, opinions, and rights of others. Hypersensitivity is divorced from reality, and sometimes results in paranoia, sometimes in poor manners, sometimes in consistent thoughtlessness, and all too often in lack of consideration.     Hypersensitivity cannot and does not exist where impersonal love has taken over the life. On the other hand, sensitivity as a manifestation of impersonal love for all is a part of problem solving device #7. Thoughtfulness and consideration for others is a manifestation of impersonal love. Hypersensitivity is part of motivational arrogance and becomes a part of evil.

              While arrogance is invisible inside the soul, hypersensitivity is a manifestation of that arrogance.

              For example, subjective arrogance related to self is manifest in self-pity, in guilt reaction, and in a guilt motivated life.

     10. Self-righteous arrogance related to others is manifest in gossip, maligning, judging, inordinate competition, the function of jealousy, hatred, bitterness, or vindictiveness, revenge motivation, revenge modus operandi, the function of the demand syndrome, and the function of role model arrogance

.     11. When confronted with obvious superiority, the hypersensitive believer seeks to destroy that superiority; this is role model arrogance. If the role model doesn’t live up to the perfect standards you have set up for him, then you destroy him. When anyone departs from the role model assigned by society, the arrogant and hypersensitive person condemns, rejects, maligns, becomes antagonistic and seeks to destroy. Role model arrogance manufactures hypocrisy in the clergy and legalism in the congregation. Role model arrogance imposes impossible standards of perfection on others while ignoring the fact that everyone has a sin nature and uses it.

     12. When confronted with obvious inferiority, the hypersensitive believer often becomes a bully or a tyrant.

     13. Sensitivity is objective. It is the expression of impersonal love for all mankind. Hypersensitivity is subjective. It is the arrogant expression of evil toward self as well as toward others.

     14. Hypersensitivity is related to unrealistic expectation.   Unrealistic expectation is described by the fact that very few people are loved the way they want to be loved, or treated the way they want to be treated.

                        a. Because people are not loved the way they want to be loved or treated the way they want to be treated, they develop an arrogant subjectivity classified as hypersensitivity.

                        b. This hypersensitivity demands attention, seeks to control everyone in its periphery, and superimposes false standards of legalism on both believer and unbeliever alike. On the unbeliever it imposes salvation by works; on the believer it imposes spirituality by works.

     15. The greatest tragedy of all is that hypersensitive people are unteachable for the following reasons. It’s a tragedy because they can never improve without cognition of pertinent doctrine.

                        a. They make an issue out of self rather than Bible doctrine.

                        b. They make an issue out of the personality of the pastor rather than the message, due to unrealistic expectation or role model arrogance.

                        c. They function under operation overthink, which is arrogant subjectivity.

                        d. As a result of all these things, they have the wrong focus, with eyes on self, eyes on people, or eyes on things. _____________________________________________________________________

 R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1994, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
